Monday, March 26, 2012


I want to tell everybody that our BARN is now wrapped in last a person can get upstairs without using either set of the fancy steps...we only have to know which downstairs door to go into and the which downstairs door to go out of in order to make a left turn starting up the gorgeous ramp...which turns on a nice platform after slowly rising to the continue slowly rising to the west...turning again on a second platform and rising slowly to the which point we are on the platform even with the workshop level...and at this point simply turn left and we have find the place where the action might be happening!! Sounds crazy...but it is the truth...I've done it... This project was only finished last Thursday...during a week of perfect warm spring days...interrupted by coming into my kitchen table for a hot farm dinner to fuel the afternoon.. Kevin (son)...Zach (not his son ...but a recent worker added just in time for this work)... and another helper named Ivan...dug post holes...pounded nails...carried mixed cement... tamped the earth and made me happy...IT IS DONE...and I now invite anyone to come to the VOLDEN FARM WORKSHOP BARN !!! We still need to watch this blog for dates...but in June we will be doing Pit firing... after forming clay into desired or maybe even undesired shapes...and music looks promising The barn will host a few already scheduled event dinners so hopefully B&B and the barn will mesh well...could be the calendar will be needfully hanging round my neck... all for now...more later...bye from the lady of the ramp

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